CRM dynamics V9 wait Async web API to contiue code


here is how to do an async call from v9

here is the structur of a call

function azerty ()
  Xrm.WebApi.retrieveMultipleRecords("teams", "?$select=name,teamid&$filter="+clause).then(
      function success(result)
    //Your COde here part A       

        function (error)

 //other code here; part b //Yuou want this code to be executed after part A
because the webapi call is assync the part B would be executed before part A


then if you want to execute part B after part A here is how to do
In green what is change to make it work

async function azerty ()
//Some code

await myPartAcode();



function myPartAcode()

return new Promise(resolve => { {

  Xrm.WebApi.retrieveMultipleRecords("teams", "?$select=name,teamid&$filter="+clause).then(
      function success(result)
            // perform operations on record retrieval
            if (results.entities.length > 0)
              return results;

        function (error)





we put the web api call between

return new Promise(resolve => { {

//WebApiCalland we remove the last ;



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